April round-up

Even though these round-up posts are a bit regurgitation-ville, it is enormously satisfactory for me to see how much we get done each month, so bear with me.
Here are the highlights from April:
Our new staircase - the reveal
Our staircase remodel - drawings, material and finishing
Easter mantel - 3 quick projects for spring
American Dreambuilders NBC - cabins in the woods
How to prep a textured wall for wallpaper
Progress in the toilet room - a Bondo experiment and new paint and cabinet
My paleo breakfast - Berry protein smoothie, herbal tea and fermented cod liver oil
Master walk-in closet make-over and how to fix a too small round hole in drywall
Great finds: Jin's Kitchen and a fabulous lunch
Paleo Chicken Nuggets with Rosemary and Lemon
Of course the month started of very funny when I made practically ALL of you fall for my April fools joke: My new partnership with Sure Stay Tape to make wax candle strips to give your candles a pattern. Apparently the world is mildly interested in this type of product, and why not...
Of course it wasn't real. Womp, womp and luckily everyone was a really good sport about it too

If I ever set out to pitch some product packaging to a tape company, I promise you an image of two people cartwheeling through the snow
Thanks for playing along friends

One of the most exciting things that happened this month was when the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens
My bathroom makeover hit the big times in a 2 page article in the subscriber's issue:

I got Tweeted, Instagrammed, Facebook'ed, emailed and texted by my friends! Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement!
Read the behind the scenes of the shoot: Better Homes and Gardens photo shoot - vini, vidi, vici
My guest bath has since started wearing over-sized sunglasses and sent me a rider for which brand of soap it wants in the dispenser and how the towel are to be hung from the hook. Sheesh.
In other exciting news, except not really at all, I just went live with an email subscription form on the blog. That's right. Welcome to the 21st century Shift Ctrl Art. You can find it up in the right hand bar under my "Welcome" picture.

If you feel like getting an email with every new post I publish, which is about 2-3 times a week, please subscribe!

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day.
AHomeForDesign.com AHomeForCrafts.com AHomeForFood.com My Portfolio