November round-up and new word for December

Here is what I have been up to in November. I am glad to see food represented here, because that took up a lot of my time

1+2 Christmas wish list
3 Hostess gift: Handmade Rosemary Almonds
4 Dare to give Thanks: Thanksgiving table with Hama beads napkin rings
5 Paleo chocolate almond truffles
6 I changed what I eat and lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks
7+8 Elimination diet - what do I eat?
9 Dare to entertain: Silhouette Christmas trees in DIY branch holders
This month I participated in the Dare to DIY challenges with Cassie at Primitive and Proper, Rachel at Maybe Mathilda, Michelle at Decor and the Dog, Kim at Newly Woodward.
I was so grateful to see that Cassie featured my Hama napkin rings and last Thursday, Rachel featured my white silhouette trees. The napkin rings were also posted on CraftGawker. The Hama bead napkin rings were then picked up by Hobzy and I got on their Hot 100 Bloggers list. Woot! Thanks so much! My Paleo truffles where posted on FoodGawker.
Most of my month was spent getting to know my new way of cooking. It's a learning curve for sure and very time consuming, but so far, I feel it is worth every minute of my time. I am a bit sad that the thing that has to give in all of this is this blog as I get tremendous joy out of coming up with, and posting my ideas here.
Yesterday, I devoted a whole day to finishing and shooting projects for December, and I can't wait to share them with you.
Word of the month
The word of November was Thanks.

I made the Hama bead napkin rings for the Dare to be Thankful challenge.

Word for December is Celebrate.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day. My Portfolio