May round-up

The month of May was busy for us. We did a lot of work in the master bathroom and closet. This Wednesday the first round of solid surface white marble is going in. I am so excited!
Here are some of the projects we tackled in May:
Memory lane: A road trip in a box
How to: wallpaper - a beginner's guide
How to: apply wallpaper lining using wall size adhesive
Gifting money with origami: F-18 fighter jet
Primitive and Proper house tour - modern eclectric
Master bath pan installation and 9 rectangular sink options
Master bath - Hardie backerboard installed - how we did it
Master closet - adding shelves and drawers
How to: age brass hardware instantly
Gift card gift wrap idea for a two year old
Favorite layouts
In other news, I got featured over on Dana's blog, House Tweaking

Then, later in the month we had our home tour on Cassie's Prmitive & Proper Eclectic tour. So much fun.

Thanks so much to both of you!
This weekend we got our backyard ready for summer and finished up a few projects here and there.
The master bath currently looks like this with the taped and mudded hardie and water proofing.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio