Copenhagen Zoo: Lions and Tigers and Bears ... and a polar bear butt

Who is ready for some fluffy polar bear butt? And let's throw the rest of the animal kingdom in there. Well some of them.
I am not gonna lie, I am pretty excited about the images I got on our trip to the Zoo in Copenhagen when we were in Denmark in August and September. You can read all about what we did here and here.

In my family, some people love to read the map of the area as the very first thing while other people go more with a gut feeling when figuring out where to go. From left to right on the right hand picture: My dad, B, dh and my mom. I'll let you figure out who likes which method...

When we got there it was time to feed the penguins.

But not the sea lions. I think they already ate, but I don't think they think they did.

So with no fish forthcoming they went for a swim.

These small monkeys were so much fun. Oh an my dad is on one of the pictures being admired by one of them.

More monkeying around.

No straws here, but a nice camel back.

Lions and cubs. Collective "awwww".


And here it is as promised. The zoo just opened their new polar bear wing.

It has a tunnel under the water. The bear was sitting on the tunnel.
Paw! Awesome! Pawsome!

Then it went for a swim.

Check out this guy. He even stood up at one point. Is he smiling in the third picture? Cheeese...

The elephants have a newer outdoor playground. It's pretty amazing. I am not really fond of animals in captivity, but if I had to be and I were an elephant, I would choose this place.

A tool using elephant. You saw it here first!

Elephants are my mom's favorite animal.

This tiger had cubs. Can you make them out in the upper right hand corner? So cute. In the upper left it was looking intently at some small kids playing nearby, thinking: "snack?"

Uh uh uh ah aha ahrr rrr. Say it with me.

Ostriches and ...?

Such a lovely day. This feather was outside the zoo on the side walk. I love how it looked next to the leaf.
The Copenhagen Zoo is definitely worth a visit. What I love about it is that the Zoo gives the animals lots of room and most places they have re-thought the use of bars, as you could also see from most of the photos. It was a really great experience. We will be back another time for sure!

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
Copenhagen Zoo: Lions and Tigers and Bears ... and a polar bear butt is posted in the category Home Schooling | Travel & Photography