By Katja Kromann

June round-up and new word for July

June round-up and new word for July
Let's take a look at what happened on the blog in the month of June.

Blog highlights from June:

June round up
Left to right, top to bottom.
  1. Tricked out ironing closet - how to maximize a small space
  2. Gumball gift card box with printable - make your own box
  3. A kitchen with a view - the beginning - planning a new project
  4. Buff up your Farmhouse style - a joint give-away by Farmhouse38 and ShiftCtrlART
  5. Virgin Spinach Pina Colada smoothie
  6. Daily Decorator Guest post
  7. Outdoor patio dining area - the reveal
  8. Ikea Ringum rug receives fabulous Frogtape pattern
  9. Let's get Frog Taping! Entry hall reveal!
There were three firsts in the list above.

I had my first giveaway on the blog. I co-hosted it with Kate over at Farmhouse38. The prize was for a chicken pastel that I drew and I honestly thought that if 50 people entered it would be a smashing success. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that 617 had entered for a chance to win. I was blown away. Thank you to all who entered and commented and started following!

chicken contest

The other first was a guest post on someone else's blog: Daily Decorator. A fabulous blog full of inspiration and design. Thanks again Tracy!

The third thing was my entry hall reveal, which I have entered into the Frog tape contest the other day under the title: Entry hall reveal - arrows with a dash of moose - the only way is up. They shortened the title and took out dash - oh well. Wish me luck. I might win a roll of tape if I am lucky :). There are some really great entries over there.

Features contacted me this month and asked if they could use one of my kitchen pictures in an article about transitional kitchens. Here is the article. This is my first time on House Logic.

I got really excited yesterday when my spray painted wicker chairs appeared in an article over on This is another first. :)

Clutter clearing

One really big change that happened in my clutter clearing efforts this month was that we tackled our garage. And what a difference it has made for all the projects we have done since. I just have to show you the before and after again. I love my new cart wheel ready garage!

We cleaned the garage tips on how to 1

We cleaned the garage tips on how to 15

Word of the month challenge

The word of the month for June was Pattern.
June word of the month pattern
I did a couple of projects for this such as recovering my ironing board with new patterned fabric, I sewed a runner using the pattern in the letter "P" and I made that patterned rug and wall in the entry way.

Amber over at Wills Casa, who I am doing these challenges with - and we ask anyone who wants to, to join us, wrote a fabulous article on Patterns in design.


My favorite was this polka dotted house, which would go so great with Amber's polka dotted napkins that she made for Christmas.

This month, our friend Kelly from Corner of Main joined us in our pattern challenge. Thanks so much Kelly!!

corner of main kelly

Kelly s rug

Kelly of Corner of Main created this fantastic DIY black and white outdoor rug with Frog tape and white paint for her patio make over which I am following over on her blog.

Love it Kelly. Feel free to pick up my button in the sidebar for your feature! Thanks so much for participating!

Word for July is ....

July word of the month color

Color! If you want to participate for a feature here next month, make something, anything with the word "color" in mind and contact me to let me know or write it in a comment here on the site and I will swing by and check it out.

Here is to a great July!!

May round-up and new word for June

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This article: June round-up and new word for July first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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