Garage sale, Great finds & Gourmet potoatoes

A couple of weeks ago my association announced their annual garage sale and I jumped at the chance to get rid of a few pieces of furniture and nick-knacks I had collected in the last months while I was decluttering around the house a bit.

It started very early - 7am- so we got up at 6am and started carrying everything outside. A couple early birds started snapping things up right away before I could even snap a picture. That big book case in the background was taking up space in our Master bathroom along the empty wall I have plans for. It used to house all the towels and linens, but ever since we got our act together and finished the upstairs hall cabinets, we no longer needed it.

My neighbor up the street was having a sale too, so I went up to

The garage sale was scheduled to last until 2pm, but it was pretty clear that all the action happened in the first hour, to hour and a half. I sold all the bigger things like book cases, big teddy bears and a Christmas tree, my old sewing machine, an old stereo. Then after that I sat around and it got hot nobody came around for quite a while. So I put the rest of the few things in my car and later drove down to donate them to Salvation Army.

I went through their store and scooped up this lovely willow basket for $4. So lucky

The story could end here, but let's not...

Last Saturday we were invited to a barbeque - potluck style - and I made some oven roasted fresh herb potatoes and carrots with a sour cream dip to bring. Yes, this is still related to my garage sale find. Read on...

Chop, chop, chop. Fresh rosemary and thyme.

I cut up some small potatoes (rinsed) and some carrots (rinsed and peeled). Added olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped herbs. I put it in the oven at 390F for about an hour. Check with a cooking needle that they are done before removing from the oven.

While the potatoes were in the oven, I made a sour cream dip.
16oz sour cream
1 small bunch of chives, cut
small handful Tarragon
small handful Thyme
big handful Oregano
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
salt & pepper to taste

Stir well.

Well, well, well, there is my little bowl again. Should we call it a full

moment at this point? We could. Because then I made something else for my word of the month

Remove the potatoes from the oven when they are done.

Serve the potatoes hot and the dip cold.
Here is my plate at the party - behind the scenes photo - website only.
Someone made a Coleslaw with green apples, that was really good. And someone else some marinated steamed asparagus. Mmmmm
I am linking up to the DIY MAY-nia party - Show your garage or thrift store finds at Wit Wisdom and Food | The HumberHome Project | Corner of Main | Mailbox Journey
Have you had a garage sale before? This was my first. It was fast and furious, but a lot of fun. I could see myself having another one. Have you found something great at a thrift store lately?

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day. My Portfolio
Garage sale, Great finds & Gourmet potoatoes is posted in the category Blog News | Great Finds