By Katja Kromann

Primitive and Proper house tour - modern eclectric

Primitive and Proper house tour - modern eclectric
Today, I am om over at Primitive & Proper, visiting with Cassie, talking about our home tour.

I am lucky to call Cassie my friend, so today, I thought I would take a little bit of time to talk about her and her wonderful home here.

This is Cassie's fabulous kitchen. She tiled her own back splash. Like a Wonder Woman. I love those recycled glass tiles.

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

We are floor tile twins. Those gray 12x24s are very similar to the ones we have in our guest bath and hallway.

That island is pretty amazing. And those stools.

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

The living room. Cassie and her husband built the pipe shelves.

Cassie is a thrifting queen. She always finds the best things. Check out the brass deer. And the Antiques sign.

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

In her spare time, Cassie finds and restores furniture. Look at the MCM side board in her dining room. So pretty. I love the contrast of the white and wood. This dining room is pretty much perfection in my book.

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

She recently found that great art piece for her bedroom. And did a little spring refresh with new bedding. I love the gilded table.

When Cassie is not busy decorating her house, she sells furniture at the Sweet Clover Barn.

Look at these darling vignettes from her store:

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

I wish I lived closer!

Cassie also makes some pretty fabulous craft projects.

Cassie primitive and proper home tour 1

Like these gilded mason jars and the giraffe plant picks. You know I love a good giraffe like nobody's business.

On top of everything else, Cassie is one of the sweetest and funniest people in blogville. She is also someone who walks the walk, which I so appreciate.

Visit her blog if you get a chance. It's a wonderful place to hang out.

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This article: Primitive and Proper house tour - modern eclectric first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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