By Katja Kromann

Drawing a moose is difficult

Drawing a moose is difficult
moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

My son B

Giraffe - acrylic


While taking that art class last year, after drawing some animals from photos like this pencil drawing of my son or this acrylic giraffe, and even free handing this pastel cow, I got the insane notion (hind sight being 20-20) to attempt to draw a moose.


Well, the main reason was that I was not able to find a good picture of a moose from a good angle with the right "look". The "look" was all in my head. So, I jumped in, both feet, and well... I'll let you judge.

I started out drawing a moose four or five times, then painting it over with white paint and start over drawing a moose by looking at a little hand sketch I made first.

moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

I even took an art field trip (?!) to my local ZGallerie and looked intensely at a moose they had in the store. This moose wasn't kind looking enough for what I had in mind. It was too anorexic looking which made it look too harsh for the more gentle, almost humorous moose I had in mind.

moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

After realizing this was the best I could do at the moment finally settling on this drawing, I began adding color.

moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

And more color, light and shade. The antlers were so difficult for me to imagine. Now that I look at the white ZGallerie moose, I can see that the antlers should be much more "cupped", than what I did here. Oh well... another moose, another time :)

moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

More layers. What I ended up really liking about my moose is the gentleness and slight humoristic look that he has. I love that he is looking down at the viewer with a somewhat inquisitive look. Almost as if to say "Why you looking at my antlers?".


Right now he is hanging in my entry hall. I used him as the focal piece in my recent hallway make-over for the submission to the Frog tape contest last summer.

Frogtape earn your stripes arrow moose hall 2nd prize winner 2013

Frog tape challenge Hall entry Besta Ringum seating bench 14

Here he is close up.

moose acrylic shift ctrl art 1

What does a moose say? I don't know. Mrhhhrrrrr?

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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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