Pumpkin Parade features

How much fun was that Pumpkin Parade? I loved every minute and I was psyched to see so many of you linking up to our pumpkin fest.
Here are some of the pumpkin creations that immediately grabbed me.
Like this white dotted pumpkin by By Yvonne from Sunny Side Up-Stairs. The pumpkin is sprayed with gold and she also white washed the stem and then handed over the dotting to her daughter. I think those dots are the bomb! Random, irregular and oh so stylish.

By Yvonne from Sunny Side Up-Stairs
Next up is Kelly from Corner of Main I just love how fabulous her mantel looks. The reds and the oranges with a bit of wicker and wheat thrown in. I love that big white mirror as well. Such a lovely vignette!

Kelly from Corner of Main
I was all over this idea the minute I saw it. A fishnet pumpkin by Mari from Crab + Fish. Easy to do, big impact and super quick! Isn't that the perfect kind of DIY? And so many different options with all the different patterned kinds of stockings that are out there too. I want to try this!

Mari from Crab + Fish
Consider yourselves featured. Such great projects!
On my sidebar is a Shift Ctrl Art button with code that you are welcome to grab if you want to.
Did you get featured?
Check out who everyone else featured here:
Now, I could let the post end here and it would be a great post, but I think I have room for some more pictures, don't you?
When I posted about our trip to the zoo - Lions and Tigers and Bears ... and a polar bear butt - , I made picture collages of all the animals. This really helps tell the story of what we saw and how the animals moved around. Of course that means that the pictures are kind of small.
So let's do a highlight of seven of the pictures that I really liked, but this time zoomed in. Here they are:

Wouldn't it look great to paint the two in the front a little closer together on a big white canvas?

And of course - let's not forget:

That is all.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time.
AHomeForCeramics.com AHomeForDesign.com AHomeForCrafts.com AHomeForFood.com My Portfolio