By Katja Kromann

Fall in love: Master bedroom reveal - 12 DIY ideas

Fall in love: Master bedroom reveal - 12 DIY ideas
Today it's time to reveal our new master bedroom. Come take a look at how it turned out. We have 12 DIY projects going on. Some bigger, some smaller. Let's dive in!

Here is what the master looked like when we moved in five years ago. A nice blank slate.

Except for not being this clutter free, this is what our master looked like when we began this challenge just six short, short weeks ago. Remind me next time that I need at least a week per room DIY no matter how small. Otherwise my need for procrastination won't be properly accommodated.

We had the walls painted and crown installed and the ceiling painted white. We got the bedroom set from Potterybarn in 2001. The bedside lamps were originally in our living room, but moved up here after I redecorated the living room. I like the scale and height of them with the bed.

And here is our master since yesterday morning. After lots and lots of work over the past weeks, only surpassed by the level of work we put in, in the past couple of days over the weekend. My body aches like I have run a marathon. Not that I would know what that feels like, though. Anyway. I am so so happy with how it came out.

1. You already saw the grommet curtain turned back tab curtains that I showed you last week. We also had hardwood floors put in.
2. We made a couple of pelmet boxes out of the same curtain fabric. I think it would have been too much with curtains around the smaller windows but the pelmets are just enough to tie them in with the curtains. We are putting the same pelmet boxes in the master bath to tie both rooms together.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

3. Over the bed, we cut out a word from plywood. I have a tutorial coming on how we did that. 4. We also made a padded headboard insert to make the bed more comfortable and 5. I made two large king size pillows from a curtain I got on sale at World Market - the patterned ones behind the white ones.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

6. After that Liberache mishap, I sprayed the lamps a nickel finish. I love the new sheen it has. Looks much better than the aluminum. 7. then I made some over-sized pom-poms for a fringe along the edge of our new bedspread. This project was inspired by this one.

We moved the rug from the living room up here. The hunt for a new living room rug is still on. I have decided that I have no desire to spend 4K+ dollars on a 9 x 12 Heriz rug. As beautiful as they are. That is just way too much money to be walking around on, I think. So now I am looking for something else. More in my price range.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

Above, Frank's side, below, my side.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

8. I used two of the ceramic bowls that B and I made at a local pottery shop. Above one to hold my glasses and watch. The other bowl is on the built-in - see later in this post.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

9. I painted my garage sale table that I scored for only $4. It is now white. The before here.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

The green ceramic bowl is one that B made in pre-school. Unfortunately his teacher helped way too much as you can see, which I actually rather resent. I am sure she meant well, but it is much too perfect for a 4 year old to have made it. So I guess it is more the bowl that his pre-school teacher made. But the color really works here.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

10. I spray painted an inexpensive mirror frame black from Home Goods. The frame is made out of some type of foam. It is very light. I love how bold it is. 11. I also revamped my dresser. I got it from my aunt about 20 years ago. It used to belong to my granddad. I think it is at least 75 years old. My Dad completely restored and painted it for me back when I got it. But now it was that time again.I gave it a fresh coat of white and added some new knobs from Anthropologie.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

These were the knobs I was originally going to put on the night stands, but I liked them so much I bought a few more and used them here instead. I did not get new knobs for the dresser.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

Our biggest DIY from this weekend is no doubt 12. the new built-in.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

Pay no attention to the empty square in the gallery wall. That spot is soon going to hold our TV. I got the wrong bracket to hang it, so now we are waiting for the right one to come in.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

And did you see that we got the mirror I was talking about?  They dropped the price further by 25% putting this mirror straight into my budget at around $165 delivered. Can't beat that.

This pouffe is usually downstairs in B's game room. He has been sitting on it quite a lot so it is all sunken in. But that didn't look so hot for these pictures, so check out what I did to get it all puffed up again.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

You might have to go over to my website for this behind the scene's photo. You can see it when you hover your mouse over this camera icon - also only visible on the website:

That is of course only temporary. I am planning to re-stuff it.

Now, let's look more at that built-in.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

It is of course made out of IKEA cabinets - what else, right? I have a tutorial on this one coming up.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

I am excited for the TV mounting bracket to arrive so we can get the TV up in here. We have been so busy lately with this room, B's birthday on Halloween, making his costume, our trip to Denmark and much more that we have planned a work-free day next weekend where all three of us will just relax, hang out and watch movies and eat a lot of junk food. I can't wait.

12 DIY ideas for a master bedroom - the reveal

I am doing this make-over reveal as part of our #fallinloveroom challenge with 17 other bloggers. The first reveals were yesterday. The reveals will continue today and through Thursday. You can click here to find everyone else:

Decor and the Dog
Home + Style Report
Dwellings by Devore
A Home Full of Color

Shift Ctrl Art (me!)
Go Haus Go
The Gathered Home
The Thriftress

Primitive & Proper Thanks for pulling all this together Cassie! It's been so much fun!
Wills Casa
Nalle's House
Brittany Makes
Number Fifty-Three

Boxy Colonial
Bliss at Home
Eleven Gables
Newly Woodwards
The Chronicles of Home

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This article: Fall in love: Master bedroom reveal - 12 DIY ideas first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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