Garden (de) light at night - LED and solar

We devoted some time to think up some outdoor lighting. I am still searching for the perfect strand of globe lights, but in the meantime we have added some solar and some LED lights to the backyard.

Every year until now, I have faithfully cleaned our garden lanterns which usually look like the above after a long summer. That is half a candle melted to a puddle right there.

The is a candle from another lantern. Only half the height of its former self. Our sun is a beast in the summer time.

This year, I gave it another clean out and then tried something new.

I cut off that little nail that is supposed to hold a candle in place. Clearly not cutting it when the candle just melts.


Then I placed an LED - flameless candle in the lanterns instead. It looks like that in the day time.

And like this in the night time. Here you can also see the solar lights we placed around the grass in the beds.

I got the LED lights at Bed Bath and Beyond and used my 20% off coupon.
Everlasting™ Battery-Operated Votive Candles (Set of 10)
Everlasting Glow® Flameless LED Melted Edge Pillar Candles - Bisque

I got a boat load of these at Target. They are $5 each and Target has chosen not to put them on the website, so I can't link up, but they hang out in the garden section when you go to the store and comes in this polished chrome and a white spray paint finish. It does not tell you the color value of the LED lights, but from my experience with LED these are somewhere around 3500 in color temperature.
2700 is a very yellow color. 3000 is my happy place (they would have made the perfect product if they had gone with this color temperature), 3500 is a cooler, but still yellow - this is the color I estimate these to be in. 5000 is blue - the aliens have landed color.
Some more views of the back yard at dusk.

I got this lace pot at IKEA and outfitted it with one of the tea lights.

I love how that looks at night.

Have you outfitted any outdoor spaces with lights? Do you know a good and cheap source for globe string lights?
I will be excited to see how the LED candles hold up in the sun. I hope there won't be any melted candle to clean up next year.
Next: We got a paint spray gun and it is so much fun

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
Garden (de) light at night - LED and solar is posted in the category Decor | Outdoor Living