Powder room reveal
During Thanksgiving break, we tackled re-drywalling the powder bathroom off our entryway. It also be ...
Tags: Guest Bathroom | Reveals

Whole house utility update and checking things off the list
After moving in, in 2017, I wrote a post about some whole house utility things (link after the jump) ...
Tags: Reveals

Green guest room reveal - with 11 DIY projects
It is an unbelievably great feeling to have finished the first room makeover in our new home: Our gr ...
Tags: Guest room | Reveals

Home office reveal - bookcase and new lighting installed
Welcome to the first room reveal of our new home. Yes I thought it was going to be the green bath ma ...
Tags: Home Office | Reveals

Our new old home - fixing some whole house utilitiy things and picking finishes for the overall style
You know when you buy a new old home there are actually quite a few 'overall' big decisions you have ...

The green guest bath - before and the plan
So by now you know that we moved to Seattle and found our dream house and moved in.
We have now live ...
Tags: Guest Bathroom | Reveals

Our living room this Christmas - with 5 Christmas decor DIYs (Incl svgs and pdfs)
Have you missed me? I have missed you! I have been busy over on A Home for Crafts making Christmas d ...

Apartment living: Bedroom reveal with 10 easy ideas for a serene retreat
Now that we have moved into our temporary apartment while we look for our next adventure, I want to ...
Tags: Master Suite | Reveals

Master walk-in closet - the reveal
As we announced just recently, we have moved. Not only have we moved, but we have drastically down-s ...
Tags: Master Suite | Reveals

The guest & game room - before, demo and reveal
Let's talk about our guest / game room.
The previous home owners had built an addition to this house ...
Tags: Living room | Reveals

Medium sized bathroom make-over
Today, I am sharing our fourth and final bathroom make-over from our house. Also one of the reasons ...
Tags: Upstairs bathrooms | Reveals

Small bathroom make-over
Upstairs we have three bathrooms. The master bathroom, which we recently renovated, and two other ba ...
Tags: Upstairs bathrooms | Reveals

Upstairs hallway reveal
Our upstairs hallway is ready for its final reveal. Even though it is 'just' a hall way, this space ...

Home office make-over - the whiteboard wall - reveal
Home office make-over, oh what a long, drawn out project you have been. But now you can stick a for ...

Laundry room reveal - clothes pin art and chalk board door
Here is our finished laundry room nook in the garage.
Let's take a minute to see how it started ...