By Katja Kromann

Valentine's - organic popcorn with arrow craft

Valentine's - organic popcorn with arrow craft
Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Popping in on the blog today after a long break. Too long. But much needed.

Yesterday I was rubbing two minutes together and thought about what to do for this year's Valentine's. I thought for sure my 13 year old would be over it, but turns out, when your friends are doing it....

So I tried to come up with a craft that was a little cool and not too pink or too frou-frou.

This is the result: a little snack bag with organic popcorn and pink Himalayan salt. A tag that reads: "So glad you popped into my life" with a little arrow, the labels stapled to each baggie.

This one has all the elements I like in a craft: First of all it's a craft. Second, it has home made food without sugar, third we used stamps, ribbon and a punch, fourth we had all the supplies on hand, fifth it was pretty easy and fun to do together.

It has that homemade touch without being overly complicated. And if you are in a big hurry, you could of course skip many of the steps, fill baggies with pre-popped popcorn, and just staple the little white tag to the baggie. Totally cute still.

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

The arrow heads are made of Bazzil cardstock and the tails out of chevron striped ribbon.

Here are the elements ready for our assembly line:

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

B hard at work putting together some arrows.

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

We made about 40 or so. Of course I totally forgot to add his name to them. Let's hope they are unforgettable when he passes them out!

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

You can download the sheet of labels here if you want to replicate this craft:

Valentine s arrow and popcorn craft 1

Here are some Valentine's crafts we did previous years:

Valentine's sayings for your heart punch

Valentine's sayings for your heart punch

Valentine's lollipop tag

Valentine's lollipop tag

Ombre Valentine's treat bags

Valentine's bubbles dressed up

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This article: Valentine's - organic popcorn with arrow craft first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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