IKEA idea: sew on a Swiss cross to a GURLI pillow

I made some new pillow covers for B's bedroom. I have been very inspired by Swiss crosses the past few months.
And check this out: a friend of mine, Julia at cuckoo4design, posted this breathtakingly beautiful new hall way make over. Check out all the pictures of her Swiss cross hallway.
And let's not forget my post last fall where I went Trend spotting in the 1800s. Check out the sweet Swiss cross air ventilation in this building from the 17 or 1800s. Cute right?
I made some pillows to match that building I got some GURLI pillows at IKEA because every great project starts with a trip to IKEA, right
At just $3 dollars each, they are quite a steal.
Next I made a Swiss cross by stacking three blocks of 3x3 inches on top of each other. I printed it out twice, rotated one of them and voilá a Swiss cross. If you want to make this project, I stuck the template at the bottom of this post where you can download it for free. It is also hanging out with all my other free printables over at Printables.
Then I cut out three crosses from some red linen that I got at JoAnns last year.
I added some batting to bulk up the crosses just a tiny bit.
Then I used embroidery floss to stitch it on leaving the edges exposed to fray over time.
On the back I left a bit of a tale of the floss and when I came back around I tied a triple knot to secure the floss.
Then I ironed them and added the inserts. Here they are in his room and here is the template for download (FREE)
I made over B's room last spring and here are just a couple of the projects I did:

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time.
AHomeForCeramics.com AHomeForDesign.com AHomeForCrafts.com AHomeForFood.com My Portfolio