Sea shell tea light and a glorious sunset over the bay

This is one of the crafts I made while in Denmark in September.
I was so inspired by all the DIY party things I had seen at the wedding we attended such as the home made wedding cake with coffee filter flowers and the home made bridal bouquet that I started thinking about how you could dress up a table at a wedding for pennies.
Then I got this idea for using sea shells that you glue to an inexpensive tea light. Imagine a bunch of these down the center of a table with little bowls of flowers in between and some greenery? I think that would look so wonderful.
But let me first back up to where I got the shells.

One evening when the weather was particularly beautiful, B, Grandma and I walked down to the bay that is close to their house. This is one of our favorite places to go to throw rocks into the water.

You have to search a bit for some really nice flat rocks.

And maybe have some pointed out to you by a seasoned veteran

Bend down a bit and send off that rock across the surface of the water.

And you might get it to skip a few times

Then, enjoy the sunset.
If you look down.

you see some nice blue shells scattered about, brought in by the tide. You grab a handful and take with you.

At home (my parents' place) I rinsed my shells in water to get all the sand out and let them dry.

Then I used a hot glue gun and glued on the first row of shells at the bottom of the tea light making sure that the tea light would be relatively even and stable.

then I kept adding rows until I liked the look of it.
That's it...

Exercise caution when burning a candle and as always read my Disclaimer.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio