DIY wedding gift wrap for a DIY wedding

My best friend's daughter got married while we were in Denmark. She stayed with us for almost a month last summer, so we got to know each other really well and we had such a great time while she was here.
I was so happy when she invited us to her wedding.

Here is the beautiful couple. I took a lot of pictures and tomorrow I am going to show you my favorite ones, but today we are going to talk about how I wrapped the ice cream maker we gave them.

Since I was staying with my parents at the time, I didn't have access to all my usual tools and supplies, so I had to be really creative. The ice cream maker came in a huge box, so I decided to cut out monograms from some of that cardboard.

Then I spray-painted them gold inside the box. It's so windy in Denmark compared to California, so the cardboard box ensured that I didn't get spray paint all over my parent's front yard.

Next, I looked around their house and my parents get a newspaper every day so there were a ton of those, so that is what I used. I used the "cultural and vacation" section of the newspaper so the pictures and words would be positive and a bit more stylish. Nothing like a picture of an angry politician screaming from inside your flower topper, right?
I cut a card board circle from the box as well.

Then I cut out about 16-17 leaves or so.

Made a fold in each one like so ...

...and glued the fold down.

Then I was ready to attach them to the card board circle. I used a regular glue stick for all this.

Then I layered the petals all the way around working from the outside in.

For the center, I used a long strip of news paper that I rolled up while scrunching it.

Then glued the end.

And attached it to the center.
Then I wrapped the ice cream maker in orange paper and tied it with gold ribbon. Attached the monograms and secured the topper with a lot of glue.

And here it is.

Jumping to the cake cutting ...
Here is the cake that the bride baked herself and the flowers are made out of coffee filters. The cake topper is a thrift store find. Isn't it amazing. Oh and our present is making a cameo in the back there. Can you see it?

Later in the evening we all went outside where the groom's father had put together a fireworks show. So pretty!
More pictures tomorrow.
You can download the template to the flower petal here:
And here it is again:

You can read more about our trip to Denmark here and here.
And see highlights from our trip to the zoo - Lions and Tigers and Bears ... and a polar bear butt - and Trend spotting in the 1800s - Frilandsmuseet aka the Open Air Museum.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day. My Portfolio