By Katja Kromann

July round-up and new word for August

July round-up and new word for August
Psst... I moved my column back over to the right. Hit Ctrl F5 on a PC or Command R on a mac if something doesn't look right. Thanks!

This July has been one of my favorite months on the blog. So many great things happened. Let's take a look.

Blog highlights from July

July round up

Left to right, top to bottom.

Fireworks - How to use bulb mode
Painting the outdoor furniture - how I got that barnwood color
A frog and a moose walk into a hall ... 2nd place winner of the Frogtape contest 2013
Coming to you from Brooklyn Limestone today
Build a planter box for your outdoor table
Raspberry ice cream -1 of 3 easy desserts to make with my vanilla egg base
Trend spotting in new construction - California 2013
Shift Ctrl Art has a new look: logo, website, blog card and more
A white lotus flower - acrylic and oil paint on canvas

Three things in particular stand out to me in July.

I took home second place in the Frogtape contest. I have not received my money prize yet, but I got word this week that checks are going out now, so I am stalking my mailbox :) Oh and I got at mention in the online Wall Street Journal about my second place. Wild!

Frogtape earn your stripes arrow moose hall 2nd prize winner 2013

I guest posted over at Brooklyn Limestone. A blog I have been following for a very long time and I am a huge fan. I was so honored and excited to post there and my post over here got wings and placed itself as a solid number 9 on my top 10 most favorite posts of the year.

brooklyn limestone guest post

As big as those two things were for me, I just was beyond excited when plans firmed up this month and I could finally burst and let out my news about Better Homes and Gardens and how they are coming to my house to photograph our powder room turned full bath remodel. A happy dance and a lot of jumping was involved. Definitely a bucket list item right there!

Better homes and gardens feature

I got my second feature over on this month. Also, our planter box appeared in the 1840Farm newsletter.

But enough about that ;)

Clutter clearing - had no time for that this month. Too busy jumping :)

Word of the month challenge

The word for July was Color.

July word of the month color

And I just made it this month when I posted about how I put together my color scheme for the entry hall and showed you the fabric I chose and how to sew a pillow cover with a zipper the easiest way I know how. You know, an hour before July ended.

Nick at Wills Casa wrote a terrific article about a new line of lamps by Lamp's Plus. They are very colorful and pretty. Also,  cupcakes as well as coffee taunting Amber was involved. Read all about it here.

Wills casa color

Bonus points for working in the word of the month into a picture.

Word for August is ...
Aug word of the month inspire

Inspire! If you want to play along, blog about anything that inspires you, then let me know and I will feature you on my blog at the end of the month!

Ready for August? I am!

Read about my June round-up here

Some blog posts contain affiliate links to products I use. More information
This article: July round-up and new word for August first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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