How to: make a twine Easter egg

It's going to be a three post day today, so sit back and relax.
First up is a project perfect for Easter, but really, you could use this as an accessory all through the year or tweak the idea to another shape.

Here is how.

I used some twine from Target's 1 dollar section and a balloon that I blew up until it looked like a big Easter egg. Then we made the paper mache paste.

We made these last year and I am so happy that I photographed the recipe so I can pass it along. I don't remember if I tweaked it from several recipes I found online, or if I just copied a recipe that I found. If anyone recognizes it as *their* recipe, please let me know so I can give you credit.
2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 tbsp fine salt
1/4 cup of glue (white Elmer's type glue)

Mix well. Then wet whatever material you want to use - string or paper and wrap around your form.

You can also use this for real paper mache where you use strips of news paper. That is B on the left recreating all the steps of a mummy as they were embalmed in ancient Egypt. We had just gone to the Getty Villa where they show you the whole process on video - B was fascinated - and we took a work shop where we made ancient style fragrances using olive oil and spices.
Here is the finished mummy. Complete with face mask and ready for it's final wrap in twine. Can you tell that the mummy is clutching an Ibis bird on his chest? We are talking exact replica here ...

And me, not wanting to let a paper mache set up go to waste, I made a big Easter egg. And now, a year later, I can tell you that it holds its shape really well and it has not changed a bit. Also there has not been any issues with mold or anything since we were using flour. Which by the way always make me go humm... When mold does not want to eat something that we eat, I always get very suspicious. You? But of course it works out when you use it for paper mache. Then you obviously don't want it to mold.
And here is the twine egg

Full Easter display coming up! Edited: It's up!
Linking to It's overflowing
Linking to Le Chateau des Fleurs
Are you making any crafts for Easter?
First up is a project perfect for Easter, but really, you could use this as an accessory all through the year or tweak the idea to another shape.

Here is how.

I used some twine from Target's 1 dollar section and a balloon that I blew up until it looked like a big Easter egg. Then we made the paper mache paste.

We made these last year and I am so happy that I photographed the recipe so I can pass it along. I don't remember if I tweaked it from several recipes I found online, or if I just copied a recipe that I found. If anyone recognizes it as *their* recipe, please let me know so I can give you credit.
2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 tbsp fine salt
1/4 cup of glue (white Elmer's type glue)

Mix well. Then wet whatever material you want to use - string or paper and wrap around your form.

You can also use this for real paper mache where you use strips of news paper. That is B on the left recreating all the steps of a mummy as they were embalmed in ancient Egypt. We had just gone to the Getty Villa where they show you the whole process on video - B was fascinated - and we took a work shop where we made ancient style fragrances using olive oil and spices.
Here is the finished mummy. Complete with face mask and ready for it's final wrap in twine. Can you tell that the mummy is clutching an Ibis bird on his chest? We are talking exact replica here ...

And me, not wanting to let a paper mache set up go to waste, I made a big Easter egg. And now, a year later, I can tell you that it holds its shape really well and it has not changed a bit. Also there has not been any issues with mold or anything since we were using flour. Which by the way always make me go humm... When mold does not want to eat something that we eat, I always get very suspicious. You? But of course it works out when you use it for paper mache. Then you obviously don't want it to mold.
And here is the twine egg

Full Easter display coming up! Edited: It's up!
Linking to It's overflowing
Linking to Le Chateau des Fleurs
Are you making any crafts for Easter?

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day. My Portfolio