Our kitchen has a TV

As of last weekend our kitchen has been outfitted with a TV. Dh is fine with whatever brand of TV we get as long as it's a Sony. So that's what we got. This one is 22 inches - a dying breed. Everyone is all about the huge screens now...
Of course it didn't look this pretty when it was first hooked up last weekend.

Wires everywhere, so that had to be fixed.
During our kitchen remodel we had run an outlet and RG-6 cable for the cable box to the cabinet with the roller front on the left and the same for behind the future TV between the two shelves while we had the walls exposed. Can you tell what was then missing? Yep, it was the HDMI cable connection between the TV and the cable box. Having an RG-6 antennae cable is not enough if you want to watch Food Network or HGTV.
So we set out to run those cables in the wall. Between going through the cabinet in the kitchen and going through the finished wall on the other side in our guest bathroom, we

Now don't go sticking the tape measure into the wall to measure where the wall stud is. I know it is tempting, but that little tap at the end of the tape measure gets caught on all sorts of stuff inside the stuff. Really caught. Hopefully, if you do go this route, you know someone with hands small enough to reach inside and get it back out. Now I am not saying that that happened or anything, but I was wearing a black cardigan and Dh wore a blue t-shirt last Saturday.

On Wednesday, I shared how we made two cuts on the bathroom side of the wall. We made those two cut-outs next to the two studs we wanted to take the HDMI cable through. Then we drilled a hole through the stud for the wire to go through. We used that blue "fishing tape" to get the cord through from one hole to the next.

We taped the cord to the fishing tape and pulled it through and stuck it through the stud. Read all about how we patched the holes again.

Then we could get it through on the other side by reaching inside the gang box. After we hooked everything up, we attached a cover plate to make it look nice.
These were the cords and cover plates we got to connect everything:
6 ft HDMI cable
3 ft HDMI cable
HDMI pigtail decor wall plate
HDMI pigtail and 5mm decor wall plate

We did the same to the hook-up in the cabinet. The black box you see there is the cable box that we are hooking up to the TV.

Next we got a wall mount for the TV and attached it to the wall. The gang box on the right sits right next to a stud in the wall, so we used that to securely anchor the wall mount. Dh attached the power converter to the wall with some Command Velcro.
Then it looked like this.

I also cleared out the roller front cabinet and we used this opportunity to adjust the shelves so that our new Vitamix blender that I got for Christmas (yay) fits inside the cabinet in one piece.

Then, I decorated my IKEA container where I keep my raw pea protein powder with some American Crafts stickers (left over from my Scrapbooking days) and spray painted the lid gold. I love that it says
Every morning I add a big scoop of this to my smoothie to make it even more filling.

Oh and the TV works too. I love that it is off of the shelf mounted onto the wall. I think that looks so clean.

Do I plan on watching a bunch of TV out here in the kitchen ... maybe not, but I think it is a nice value add to the house.
It has been nice with a little background noise in the evening when we cook out here.

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About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time.
AHomeForCeramics.com AHomeForDesign.com AHomeForCrafts.com AHomeForFood.com My Portfolio