By Katja Kromann

Announcement: A big change at Shift Ctrl Art - a name change and two new websites.

Announcement: A big change at Shift Ctrl Art - a name change and two new websites.

Something big is happening on this site. And it is happening now. And later.

I love organizing and I am not a big fan of clutter. And that was what I was seeing on my website. Clutter.

So I took out my broom and swept. Then I sat down and thought (Insert thinking melody from Blue's Clues). Or maybe it was the other way around.

Next I came up with a plan and then I sprang into action. So much excitement.

I decided that I should split up my website so everything has a proper home. A place for everything and everything in its place.

I needed new homes: a home for design, a home for food and a home for crafts. Hmmm... "I wonder if those domains are available. Well, I'll be .... THEY ARE!!" They where.

So I am changing this site to become A Home For Design and my two new websites are called A Home For Food and A Home For Crafts. See how this works out?

Now you can choose what you want to follow. If you follow all three we are definitely friends for life.

After securing these three domains, I got busy coming up with a new branding strategy. And creating logos and setting up the new websites.

Here are the new logos (edited October 2016 with new logos)

New logos 2016 2

I wanted the logos to have a hand drawn feel, so that is how I made them. 'a home for' is my handwriting and the feather, thyme and scissors are my hand drawings.

Edited: I updated the logos to be a bit more streamlined after all.

Next came the monumental task of moving all the recipes to A Home For Food. I had to make fresh images for a lot of them to get rid of old watermarks. Updating links. All that fun stuff. I moved my favorite recipes for now. The next post over there will be new stuff: A creamy winter soup so pretty, I think you could serve it at a wedding.

Next, I repeated that process for the new crafts page: A Home For Crafts.

I moved the following categories:

  • Crafts
  • Sewing
  • Gift Wrap
  • Jewelry
  • Holidays & Seasons

I have some Christmas stuff to move still. That will be in November and December when it is more relevant.

The next post over there will also be new stuff. I already have an Easter project in the works. Rabbits are involved. That is all I can say for now.

As for this site, I have a new blog post in the works with the final reveal of our hallway with the new flooring installed.

There will be cross referencing as I get moving with this new change. Sometimes a craft will link to a food item that is used with the craft, or sometimes a design post will link to a craft item used in the design. That sort of thing.

I hope I see you around here and over here:

post food here       post food here

If you follow me on a reader, you may have to update it although the old links still work.

For now I am staying shiftctrlart on Facebook and Instagram.

Some blog posts contain affiliate links to products I use. More information
This article: Announcement: A big change at Shift Ctrl Art - a name change and two new websites. first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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