Rustic protein rich skyr potato salad

I have been longingly waiting for the day that skyr would become available at my local Sprout's and today was the day that they finally had it. I have been harassing them often about getting the plain, non-flavored kind and each time they would tell me that it didn't sell so they didn't carry it. Well I guess they changed their minds, because they just got some, and then I hurried up and bought some.
And that is why we are having rustic skyr potato salad with our dinner tonight. Actually last night when you are reading about it. That, and the fact that potatoes have made a huge comeback. (tongue in cheek)
Don't know what Skyr is? I had not heard about it until a couple of years ago either. Skyr is an Icelandic type, very protein rich, dense, tart, yoghurt.

Here is how I made my rustic skyr potato salad. It is going to be surprising, especially if you have made potato salad before.
First I scrubbed about 18 small potatoes and boiled them with the skin on for about 20 minutes.
While they were cooling off, B and I went to a bee farm with our homeschooling group to learn all about making honey and bee's wax products. It was really great and I left with two glasses of fresh made honey which I have a couple of plans for.

When we got home I got out all the ingredients for the dressing. On the left there, you see the two cups of plain Siggi's skyr. Each of those cups has 15 grams of protein. That's no joke!
2 cups of plain skyr
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp oregano
1 bundle of chives, cut in 1/8th pieces - hold back some for garnish.
Salt and pepper to taste
I got the most amazing lemon salt from a dear friend which I used here. It is in the jar under the chives. But of course regular salt works great too.

Mix the dressing.

Cut the potatoes. Fold the potatoes gently with the dressing and pour into a serving bowl, dress it up with some chives.

We are going to have this with a side of bacon and Brussels sprouts and we are also going to make a salad with avocado. Lots of green, fat and protein in our dinner tonight.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio