By Katja Kromann

Our new kitchen window - no more bathroom glass

Our new kitchen window - no more bathroom glass
Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

Say hello to my little friend snow flake covered window. And then say goodbye, because it's not staying one minute longer.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

And the full view here. As you can see, our new hedge looks great and in time it will be tall enough to create a full green wall in front of the window.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

This is the view of the hedge from outside our side yard.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

We got the new window from Windor. Initially we just wanted to switch out the glass, but that is the same price or more expensive than changing out the frame as well. Window also delivered our windows for our living room remodel and our bathroom remodel as well.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

Here is the new window. Cue angle music. We opted to get a picture window because in the 4 years we have owned this house we have only opened the kitchen window once and that was to see if it could be opened. Also, with just a picture window, there is no beam down the middle of the window to obstruct the view. It was also much less expensive.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

The old window is removed bit by bit.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

And here the new window goes in.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

This is the one arm holding technique... :)

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

Foam insulation is sprayed around the opening.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

And all the trim and caulk is added to make everything look nice and finished.

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

The crew finished the whole thing in a couple of hours or 3. It was pretty quick.

Let's take another quick look at the before again:

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

And after:

Our new kitchen window no more bathroom glass 1

When I add back in the curtain at the top and the hedge grows another foot, it's going to look so much better. Can't wait for that!

This was the last piece of the puzzle for the kitchen. We can officially call the kitchen d.o.n.e....

Here is how our kitchen started out:
The kitchen - and its many challenges - Part I

And next: Our kitchen has a TV

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This article: Our new kitchen window - no more bathroom glass first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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