February word of the month: Connect

Since I connected a ton of cardboard to the wall, I am going to call the Mario pixel project my February word of the month "Connect" piece. You can read more about the monthly challenges here. And see the features for January here.
Here is my February Connect project - $25 5 ft tall Mario art work.

See all the steps of putting up Mario here I also had a great time connecting with B while we did this project. It was great all the way around

Did you make something? Feel free to retro-fit a post by inserting the Connect word and link over to this post. Let me know and I will feature your project tomorrow. Remember that you can interpret the word as loosely as you want.
Last month, I featured these fine folks.Want to be featured here tomorrow? Then chop, chop - send me a link

The new word for March is going up tomorrow. I am doing these challenges with Amber over at Wills Casa, so head over there as well!

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time.
AHomeForCeramics.com AHomeForDesign.com AHomeForCrafts.com AHomeForFood.com My Portfolio