Master Bedroom progress - and a bit of inspiration

The master is one of the rooms that we have put on our 2013 goals list and some progress has been made that I want to share with you.
I posted this picture on my home tour page (has since been switched with new progress picture) as my latest progress picture of the master. It was taken not too long after we moved in. Like every other room in the house it was painted yellow, with a lighter yellow ceiling. The master has really tall slanted ceilings going up to, I think, about 16 ft high. This creates two triangular shapes in the room like the one I have drawn on top of the picture here.

I have to tell you, I am not a fan of that triangle. It annoyed me every time I was in that room.
Before we dive into what we have done so far, here is a bit of inspiration that is floating around in my mind for this room. Feeling circle-y today:

From left to right, top to bottom.
Silver leafing (image) - A diy project I have in mind.
White - paint and possibly a built-in...
Fabric for the bed
Curtains Already bought them. A diy project will be involved.
Valspar Filtered Shade - wall color
Mahogany color - the bed, the floor, the fan
Fabric - Can you guess?
Fabric - accent fabric
Brice rug (Potterybarn - discontinued) - will be moved up from our dining room.
I am sure other colors will appear also. Haven't decided yet.
Here is my solution for getting rid of - or at least camouflaging - "the triangles". We had molding added at ceiling height all the way around the room like this.

That already helped a TON. I instantly liked the room so much better with this relative small changes. You also see two color samples I picked out. I had already picked out the Curtains so that I could match the wall color that way. I wanted velvet curtains and they are not cheap, unless if you get them at IKEA, then they are relatively cheap. They have a tiny bit of a red hue in the gray, so I wanted to pick a wall color that neutralized this hue or I would end up with curtains that look purple. So the color we chose - drum roll - Valspar's filtered shade. (You already knew from my dotted collage, though, right?)
But back to the molding: here is a close-up of the new molding.

It was made by using two different case moldings. (Case molding is usually for around a door). I chose two casings of different size and then they were installed back to back like this.
Another option we considered was to install regular crown molding and then just have it float out away from the wall, but I could not get over how much a of a dust trap that would be, so we did this instead and I love it!

Here was the second eye sore in the room. The ceiling fan. I have said it before, I am not a fan of the fan, but we are in So-Cal and our bedroom is facing west, so we need it. We don't need this one through.

I can't tell you how many ceiling fans I have looked at. Can we talk about this again? Where are the designers at? I have been in store after store, brick and mortar, online ones. They all look the same or cost thousands of dollars.
Then one day at Home Depot, I saw this Hampton Bay Altura 56 in ceiling fan and thought... Hmmmm not too bad.... If I h a v e to have a fan, this could be it. Here it is - up.

I have to say I kind of love it. I never thought I would say that about a ceiling fan, but look at those rounded blades. That is unexpected. The blades are real wood - not laminate. Love that.
Third eye sore was a really quick fix. The old yellowed smoke detector got switched with a fresh white one of the new white wall/ceiling color.

Then we had the master painted Valspar's Filtered Shade below the chair rail.
And here is our master now with new crown molding, new paint and new fan!

I feel so much better in this room. I think I even sleep better now
And side by side - the before and after:

It still has the roominess of the tall ceiling, but it now feels much more cozy and squared off. That molding makes me sane
The next thing that needs to happen is to put down hardwood floors, but at the moment we are fully into getting the deck off the master painted and fixed, so the floor in here has to wait for a bit.
Have you ever installed case molding as chair molding under the guise of being crown molding? Molding cross over? Hmm.
Progress on the deck off the master - hand rail installed.
I posted this picture on my home tour page (has since been switched with new progress picture) as my latest progress picture of the master. It was taken not too long after we moved in. Like every other room in the house it was painted yellow, with a lighter yellow ceiling. The master has really tall slanted ceilings going up to, I think, about 16 ft high. This creates two triangular shapes in the room like the one I have drawn on top of the picture here.

I have to tell you, I am not a fan of that triangle. It annoyed me every time I was in that room.
Before we dive into what we have done so far, here is a bit of inspiration that is floating around in my mind for this room. Feeling circle-y today:

From left to right, top to bottom.
Silver leafing (image) - A diy project I have in mind.
White - paint and possibly a built-in...
Fabric for the bed
Curtains Already bought them. A diy project will be involved.
Valspar Filtered Shade - wall color
Mahogany color - the bed, the floor, the fan
Fabric - Can you guess?
Fabric - accent fabric
Brice rug (Potterybarn - discontinued) - will be moved up from our dining room.
I am sure other colors will appear also. Haven't decided yet.
Here is my solution for getting rid of - or at least camouflaging - "the triangles". We had molding added at ceiling height all the way around the room like this.

That already helped a TON. I instantly liked the room so much better with this relative small changes. You also see two color samples I picked out. I had already picked out the Curtains so that I could match the wall color that way. I wanted velvet curtains and they are not cheap, unless if you get them at IKEA, then they are relatively cheap. They have a tiny bit of a red hue in the gray, so I wanted to pick a wall color that neutralized this hue or I would end up with curtains that look purple. So the color we chose - drum roll - Valspar's filtered shade. (You already knew from my dotted collage, though, right?)
But back to the molding: here is a close-up of the new molding.

It was made by using two different case moldings. (Case molding is usually for around a door). I chose two casings of different size and then they were installed back to back like this.
Another option we considered was to install regular crown molding and then just have it float out away from the wall, but I could not get over how much a of a dust trap that would be, so we did this instead and I love it!

Here was the second eye sore in the room. The ceiling fan. I have said it before, I am not a fan of the fan, but we are in So-Cal and our bedroom is facing west, so we need it. We don't need this one through.

I can't tell you how many ceiling fans I have looked at. Can we talk about this again? Where are the designers at? I have been in store after store, brick and mortar, online ones. They all look the same or cost thousands of dollars.
Then one day at Home Depot, I saw this Hampton Bay Altura 56 in ceiling fan and thought... Hmmmm not too bad.... If I h a v e to have a fan, this could be it. Here it is - up.

I have to say I kind of love it. I never thought I would say that about a ceiling fan, but look at those rounded blades. That is unexpected. The blades are real wood - not laminate. Love that.
Third eye sore was a really quick fix. The old yellowed smoke detector got switched with a fresh white one of the new white wall/ceiling color.

Then we had the master painted Valspar's Filtered Shade below the chair rail.
And here is our master now with new crown molding, new paint and new fan!

I feel so much better in this room. I think I even sleep better now

And side by side - the before and after:

It still has the roominess of the tall ceiling, but it now feels much more cozy and squared off. That molding makes me sane

The next thing that needs to happen is to put down hardwood floors, but at the moment we are fully into getting the deck off the master painted and fixed, so the floor in here has to wait for a bit.
Have you ever installed case molding as chair molding under the guise of being crown molding? Molding cross over? Hmm.
Progress on the deck off the master - hand rail installed.

About Katja Kromann
I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
Master Bedroom progress - and a bit of inspiration is posted in the category Before & After | Master Suite