By Katja Kromann

Organizing my car for the new year

Organizing my car for the new year
A blog will really motivate you to get things done. If for no other reason, that is a great reason to have a blog.

Today's project has been on my mind for several months.

Getting my car organized.

You see my car has been looking like this for the longest time.

Then we had to get a smog test to renew our registration. Then this fantastic thing happenend where my son and husband took my car to get it smogged and returned it all cleaned and with a full tank of gas! That is also why I don't have a before picture, so I made that myself. I am crafty like that :)

First, I made myself a little first aid kit. I used a small tin I had left over from some birthday party favors a few years ago. A Disney tin from the Target 1 dollar store.

I painted it white, distressed it a bit with some steel wool and free handed a red cross in paint on there.

Here is what I put into the tin.

Then I added some wet-wipes which I put in its own ziplock to avoid them from drying out after I open it. I also added three more ziplocks with three rubber bands around them.

Then I sewed a cover for a small trash container. I used a left over piece of linen cotton.

Here are the steps:

The little strap I added was to hold up the side of the bag inside the basket. You can see how I used a clothes pin on the right hand side for that.

I put some Kleenex inside a plastic pencil case from Staples.

Then I cut a file folder to size for my coupons. They are mostly JoAnn's, Lowe's and Bed, Bath, Beyond coupon. If I don't keep them in the car, I will forget them when I go there.

I put the box of kleenex, some water bottles and the trash bag in there. I lined the trash bag with a white plastic bag, then put three more white bags in the bottom of the basket for when I empty the trash.

Next I cleaned out the cubby between the two front seat and added my new first aid kit and the other items and then thought to add some Tic-Tacs as well.

Then I cleaned out the glove compartment. It now holds spare bulbs for the lights, a car charger for a camera, an envelope with my registration and insurance and the car manual.

In the drawer under the passenger seat I have maps, an emergency flash light and a single use camera with flash, for emergencies only. I don't want to type it. You can probably imagine...

In the passenger front door there is room for an umbrella and sunscreen. And here is the car all clean and nice with the new basket on the floor. On the seat are my reusable grocery bags. I try my best not to get bags at stores anymore.

In the back I have room to haul all my IKEA purchases, lumber and materials from Lowes and Home Depot. I only have my park day chair in there now. In the summer I also have our boggie boards there.

And that is it. Oh I have a stack of quarters in my ash tray for parking at the beach.

My car is officially ready for 2013. Let us see if I can keep it this way. (Ignore my Husbands laughter in the background!)

Are you good at keeping your car organized? Do you have any other tips?

Linking up to Our Fifth House

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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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