By Katja Kromann

How to: make a ruffled table skirt

How to: make a ruffled table skirt
How to make ruffled table skirt 1

You have probably seen a ruffled table skirt before and even how to make one. Buuuuut just in case you haven't I wanted to share how I made mine.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

I used the long side of some linen that I got at Joann's a while back. Actually for some valances for our office that I never got around to making. Maybe I will now... I have enough for both.

By cutting it this way I could use the factory edge as the bottom edge of my curtain thereby saving myself several minutes of sewing :D

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

Next, to create the ruffles, I set my sewing machine to the longest stitches it makes and sewed two rows of stitches kind of close together. I make two rows because if one breaks you have some insurance with the other one. Maybe you feel adventurous and will only sew one row. I don't know.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

Then you grab one thread of each stitched row and pull. Grab the same one from each. I prefer the bobbin thread for pulling.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

I laid out my length of Velcro and ruffled the table skirt until they were the same length.

Laundry nook progress 1

At the time when the shelf was built we had had a piece of 1x1 cut and I attached Velcro to it with staples. You can see it under the shelf on the image above. It's the black line. I cut the other piece of Velcro for the fabric at the same time. Then I didn't have to measure later.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

Next, I pinned the Velcro to the skit and stitched the lower edge of it on my machine.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

Then I came back and tucked in the frayed hem behind the Velcro and pinned it.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

I zig-zagged it to catch all the fabric on the back. Then I ironed the skirt.

How to make ruffled table skirt 1

I attached the skirt with the velcro turned inward like this. That way I got a nice ruffle with no stitching visible from the front. It looks a bit more free flowing that way. And isn't that how you want your table skirts? Or shelf skirts as in this case.

#DIY a #ruffled table #skirt - how to avoid a seam line at the top

You can see the full reveal of the laundry nook here.

Next: 7 DIY ideas for a laundry room that I would do again - and 3 I wouldn't

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This article: How to: make a ruffled table skirt first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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