Here are some projects that my son B made when he was homeschooled.French Macaroons from scratch - June Cooking Fridays
Categories: Home Schooling

The last month before (home)school was out B and I came up with Cooking Fridays. He had found some great video tutorials of complicated pastry that he wanted to try.
First up were French Macaroons. <----- Here is the video tutorial he used. Note that she makes pink ones with raspberry cream. B made his without food coloring and with a chocolate ganache filling instead.
I was his kitchen assistant and my main job was cleaning bowls and documenting with my camera. Oh and taste testing. Yes it was a tough job

Recipe by Beth :
3 Egg Whites
¼ cup white sugar (50 g)
2 cups confectioners sugar (200 g)
1 cup almond flour (120 g) (SEE NOTE BELOW)
pinch of salt
Chocolate Ganache
1 bar of chocolate - B used my favorite: Ghiradelli 60%
Half a cup of heavy whipping cream
See the video for the instructions he used.
Here are my pictures.

Making Ganache

Sweet, crunchy, chocolaty. What more can you want in a cookie?
Oh and you know how I told you that B doesn't like cookies and cake much? He took a nibble (because a bite would be an exaggeration) and said: "Mmm - good". Me: "have another bite?". B: "Nah, I'm good"
Well more for me and dh

The week after, B made us Eclairs. YUM!
Here are all three of the desserts that B made - links to each recipe under picture:

French Macaroons Chocolate Eclairs Crème Brûlée
More recipes here
Posted by Katja Kromann
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This article: French Macaroons from scratch - June Cooking Fridays first appeared on http://shiftctrlart.com.