By Katja Kromann

How to re-cover your ironing board in a few easy steps

How to re-cover your ironing board in a few easy steps
Ironing board re covered 17

Last Friday I showed you how we tricked out our ironing closet. Today, I want to share how I made the new cover for our ironing board.

Ironing board re covered

As you can see, the old cover had seen better days. It has quite a few water stains. The cover is fused to some padding, which was still holding together nicely, but would probably not make it through a washing cycle, so I chose to just recover it.

Ironing board re covered

I also wanted to remedy a problem that I tried to illustrate here. The old cover only had an elastic band around the edge, so when I would pull large fabrics such as a table cloth over the edge, the edge would lift and create a fold under the fabric I was trying to iron.

For the new fabric I chose this one which has lots of yellow in it and quite a busy pattern. I hope this will help disguise any future water spots. I washed the new fabric before I cut it. I added half a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle to set the color so that it will not transfer to anything I am ironing.

This is one of the items I am doing for my Pattern challenge this month.

June word of the month pattern

Ironing board re covered

First I removed the cover from the ironing board. Here you can see the elastic band was making it all wrinkled up.

Ironing board re covered

So I removed the elastic band around the edge. You can do this several different ways. I chose the easy route and just cut through the bias tape and cut the elastic band inside of it in a few places around the perimeter of the cover.

Ironing board re covered

Then it lay more flat and nice.

Ironing board re covered

Then I cut around the old cover to get the same size of new fabric.

Ironing board re covered

And I cut the little piece that goes on the end of the cover.

Ironing board re covered

I cut a seam allowance for this small piece, but for the rest of the cover, I did not. Then I fastened the small piece with pins to the big piece.

Ironing board re covered

I sewed it and did a zig zag along the edge.

Ironing board re covered

Then I fit the new cover around the old one. I also "dry fitted" it to the ironing board to make sure it fit. It did. Phew! :)

Ironing board re covered

Then I cut 10 pieces of 8 inch ribbon for my loops.

Ironing board re covered

I added them evenly around the perimeter of the new cover like this. I used some tan colored, 1 inch wide elastic band as my new band around the seam.

Ironing board re covered

I bent in half to use kind of like a bias tape, only I stretched it to twice the length before stitching it on. As I was doing this I held on to the fabric both behind and in front of the needle to not give any stress to the needle.

The elastic band went from the front on the new fabric all the way around to the back of the old cover with batting.

Ironing board re covered

This is what the cover looked like after I had stitched the elastic band all the way around the cover.

Ironing board re covered

Here is a closeup of how the loops are attacked.

Ironing board re covered

Then I mounted the cover onto the board again and used the rest of the ribbon from the roll to zig zag tie the cover to the board through the new loops. Now the cover does not come off when i iron heavy lengths of fabric anymore.

Ironing board re covered

And here is the finished board with the new cover on it.

Read more about the tricked out ironing closet here. And the upstairs hall remodel here, with the reveal here.

On a scale of 1 to not at all, how much do you like to iron?

For more sewing projects see DIY - Do-It-Yourself Projects - scroll down to the sewing section

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This article: How to re-cover your ironing board in a few easy steps first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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