By Katja Kromann

Home made peanut chocolate treats

Home made peanut chocolate treats

I was in a such a mood for a peanut chocolate treat the other day, I came up with this easy recipe.


1 1/3 cup of unsalted roasted peanuts
1 bar og Ghiradelli 60% (The brown wrapper)
4 TBS Trader Joe's Caramel sauce
72 mini marshmallows. (honestly, these can be left out. Make it even easier)

Mini muffin tin and 24 muffin liners.

I have tried the various chocolate %s that are out there and I find that, for me, it hits just the right amount of sweetness with the cacao content at 60%. 

Chop, chop.

Stir caramel into chopped peanuts. I enlisted help from my son for this one. He washed his hands :)

Layer into the muffin liners. Chocolate on the bottom, three mini marshmallows, then a solid tsp of peanut/caramel.

Ready to go into the oven. I set my oven to 350F and 5 minutes.

Then melt the chocolate. I used a bowl set into a pot with a bit of water at the bottom.

After I failed at melting it in the microwave.

I poured the chocolate into a ziplock bag.

And drizzled it onto the somewhat cooled treats.

If you use some other caramel you may have to add a pinch of salt. My caramel already had salt.

This was my second batch. First batch:

peanut chocolate treat

Keep them in an air tight container. The marshmallow turns a bit sticky after a couple of days, but hey, these are not meant to last more than a day or two if you know what I mean :secret:

Do you ever make treats yourself? Want to share a favorite recipe? Let me know in the comments. Link to your blog!

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This article: Home made peanut chocolate treats first appeared on

Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.

Since 2018 I have been making Ceramics, nearly full time. My Portfolio
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