Here are some projects that my son B made when he was homeschooled.felt in a frame
Categories: B's crafts
We took a felting class last winter. Here B is carding some wool.

I later framed a piece of it and it hangs in our dining room below a pencil drawing I made of him. I also used this drawing for this blog avatar.

I love the colors he used here.
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This article: felt in a frame first appeared on http://shiftctrlart.com.

I later framed a piece of it and it hangs in our dining room below a pencil drawing I made of him. I also used this drawing for this blog avatar.

I love the colors he used here.
Posted by Katja Kromann
Some blog posts contain affiliate links to products I use. More information
This article: felt in a frame first appeared on http://shiftctrlart.com.