Three quick easter project and easter mantel

Before we get to today's post, I want to give a big warm fuzzy thanks to a couple people for giving me a heads up yesterday that the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens is now being shipped and that my Powder room turned full bath is FEATURED in it!!! Woohoooo! #iaminprint #itsofficial #jumpingsomemore. Thank you Nicole, Kate at Farmhouse38 and Kelly at Corner of Main. I so appreciate it!
The powder room remodel starts here: Powder room turned full bath part I - Mood board and before pictures
Our new master bathroom remodel starts here: Turning to the Master bathroom - before pictures and mood board.
Before you run to the newsstand to get your copy, I have to tell you that my feature is only in the issues that are being shipped to subscribers. I guess they are saving the cream of the crop for their most loyal customers
Today I am showing you how I dressed my mantel for spring with three super quick and easy projects. If you start your car for the craft and plumbing supply store now, you could totally pull these off with room to spare for Easter this Sunday! Or you could also just read and nod and think: "I could totally do that". Because you totally could
First project is an upcycle project.
Something new I have been doing is that I started drinking Kombucha which is a fermented drink that helps with your gut flora. I have taste tested many different ones and this is my favorite by far. It's organic raw Kombucha with lemon flavor. It's sweet and sour and tastes a little bit like lemon soda. What I also like is the shape of the bottle. Nice strong shape, so I thought I would make myself a couple of vases out them. Here is what I did.
First I drank some Kombucha Over time. I can't down two bottles quickly. I savor them and have a little while I cook in the evenings sometimes.
Then I soaked the bottles in very hot soapy water to get the sticker off. It did not come off easily but with soaking and rubbing and soaking and Goof-off I finally got two clean bottles.
Then I bought two metal tightening straps in the plumbing department. They cost just under 2 dollars for a two-pack. I screwed on the screw until they fit the bottlenecks, but not too tight, so I can still remove them when I want to clean the bottles.
Then I hit the straps with some gold spray paint. Of course.
I love the look of glass with metal. I am always drawn to accessories combining these two materials and this is no different. I added some fake greenery and water-realism.
Here is the second project:
I made a little 10 minute egg wreath. Again I am using fake greenery and just attach it to an egg form that I made out of 18 guage wire. I used green thin floral wire to secure the greenery to the wreath. And after Easter, you could just pull on it and make a round wreath. Just like that. You're welcome
Here is the third project. I am showing this as a gif. It it doesn't work in your reader click here to see it. Scroll down.
Five steps and you are done in less than 5 minutes. All fake flowers here again. I love how sort of wild and unruly this bouquet turned out. Very organic and I don't think it screams 'I'm fake'. Not too loudly anyway...
The vase is a Bladet from IKEA.
Here it is in stilleben mode
The first two projects are hanging out on my mantel and the bouquet is over on the left on our built-in IKEA entertainment unit.
Here are all three projects in one spot:
With our master bath remodel well underway and my wallpaper adventure about to start in the entry hall, this is about all the Easterfication I will have time for this year, except for planning an egg hunt. Probably similar to last year's.
I will be back Friday with an insane kitchen that I photographed yesterday while visiting with a friend for lunch. Insanely good!
Sharing over at It's Overflowing.

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and DIY.
I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites.
I am a Graphic Artist, a remodeller and home maker by day. My Portfolio